Creativity for

Analytical Minds

Workshops, speaking and consulting services designed for organizations and individuals in the STEMP fields (Science, Tech, Education, Media, Policy).

Designed and run by the author of Explore Every Day (and co-author of dozens of other books), Third Layer workshops are designed to:

  • Help creativity thrive

  • Develop personalized maps for how our best creativity operates

  • Become more comfortable and confident expressing our voices

Warning! Unlocking creative thinking can lead to better problem-solving and more innovative solutions, deeper empathy and collaboration, more joy and happiness, or even a renewed sense of purpose.

Note: Please be careful when operating creative growth. Only hire professionals with a lifetime of training in the silly, mirthful, vulnerable mess that is the creative process.

Clients include individuals and organizations in the fields of:

Media | Science | Technology | Education | Policy

(But hey, surprise me)

Alex’s prompts and exercises helped me un-block in a way I never would have expected, and they are simple and universal enough that I’m convinced they would be useful to anyone ... I have been writing and creating much more regularly since.
— Kate Catherall, Founder and Principal of Slow Clap LLC


Highly interactive and playful sessions (or individual coaching) designed to elicit each participant’s unique creative mojo (in a safe and empathetic way, with a background in trauma-informed creativity).


We’ll talk first, about barriers, goals, issues, projects, hopes, constraints. I’ll send you a few questions and exercises to help us flush out exactly what you need. We’ll talk about the exactitudes of timing, number of people, etc. We’ll sign a contract (mine or yours), you’ll pay me a first installment, and we’ll get started.


Groups of 4-24, audiences of 8-1000, individuals. Scientists, managers, farmers, artists, chimneysweeps, free spirits, kids, Very Serious Adults, writers, non-writers, employees, non-profits, CEOs, NGOs, ROFLs.


In person, over Zoom, or on beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA — home of a ‘Washington Creative District’ and hundreds of creative classes, restaurants and activities.


Half-day or all-day workshops | Weekly/bi-weekly sessions from two weeks to six months | Keynotes or brown-bag lunches | Ongoing consulting from one month to ten years.


You don’t have to get in touch with your creativity. People don’t, and they survive. (In fact, modern society kinda doesn’t give us many opportunities.) But what might happen if you took this opportunity to do so?