“… helped me un-block in a way I never would have expected … I’ve been writing and creating regularly ever since.

“… so many breakthroughs … and practical tools!”

“… simple and universal … helpful to anyone.”

“The workshop was fabulous! Like, truly amazing! I know nothing’s perfect but I can’t think of how this workshop could get any better! Maybe more of it?”

Thanks, Alex! I have been a teacher of creative thinking for over 40 years … and this approach of yours is one of the most refreshing approaches.
— Bruce Honig, Creativity Facilitator
Alex has an incisive mind that cuts through the static.
— Dr Rosalind Savage, MBE; MP (Member of Parliament) South Cotswolds

“… completely changed the way I view my professional writing style.”

“… getting to [not only] the third layer of creativity, but a deeper level of healing…”

Alex has brought into my life and work a perspective that I could not have gained in my roles in corporate world or in government. In my first encounter with Alex’s workshops, she took me to areas where I was not used to experiencing. In that dimension and going deep (third layer), there was a realm of ideas and creativity. I have introduced her to many in the corporate world, with great success. Thank you Alex!
— Gabriela Hernandez Cardoso; former president, GE Mexico; Director, ISACA
  • "I attended Alex's creativity workshop at the end of a very difficult day. I was convinced I wouldn't be able to focus or enjoy it, and was I ever wrong! Alex's prompts and exercises helped me un-block in a way I never would have expected, and they are simple and universal enough that I'm convinced they would be useful to anyone. I got so much out of my time with Alex, and have been writing and creating much more regularly since. Alex is a warm and thoughtful facilitator and I'd recommend her workshop to anyone!"

    Kate Catherall, Founder and Principal of Slow Clap (LLC); Creative Flourishing online workshop, 2023

  • “What a day yesterday!!! Alex, I think you liberated me with the rewards exercise.This rewards system exercise dissolves the guilt and gives me permission [to relax in my own house], and somehow provides a structure around when I can reward myself. I keep thinking of rewards! Yay! I'll get around to the goals next ... :)”

    RR, Designer; 2021

  • “I had become so overwhelmed with doubt about the success of my new website, I had not only not written anything new for it, but couldn’t even bring myself to post stories I’d already written. But then … Alex made me realize the only thing standing in my way is me. So, today I write. Alex is a funny/smart/talented writer and facilitator/teacher and I can't recommend her enough if you're struggling at all. (Or even if you're not.)”

    ST, Journalist; 2020

  • “I was privileged enough to take part in one of Alex’s inspiring writing courses in Berlin. Her ‘Finding Your Voice’ exercises completely changed the way I view my professional writing style and has resulted in me receiving more paid work and opportunities with high-profile clients than ever before. Her knowledge and passion for her art form is enormous and her teaching ability is remarkable. I can honestly credit this improvement in my new career to my time spent learning under Alex and could not value her expertise highly enough.”

    Jarryd Salem, Nomadasaurus.com; World Nomads’ travel writing competition, Berlin 2014

  • “Alex has an incisive mind that cuts through the static. She has gently but powerfully nudged me in the direction of clarity and purpose.”

    Dr Rosalind Savage, Author, Stop Drifting, Start Rowing; National Geographic Adventurer of the Year 2012; 2013

  • “An excitement and love of writing comes across with every expert tip Alex shares. Listening and learning from her experiences with Lonely Planet and as a writer gave me the motivation to kick start my own career, something I’ll always be grateful for. Ask questions and expect answers filled with encouragement, insight and loads of first hand knowledge. Alex knows and loves writing, it’s evident from the minute she greets you.”

    Lisa Michelle Burns, Photographer; Lonely Planet travel writing competition winner, Shanghai, 2006

  • “After my agent sent my memoir manuscript out on submission, and we received lots of compliments but no offers, I had this nagging feeling that there was still something to be done with the book. Enter Alex and her magical brain (work with her for more than 10 minutes and you’ll know what I mean). Alex was able to articulate my nagging feeling with insightful feedback that instantly resonated, and gave me hilarious and constructive point-by-point direction on how to tackle a revision. I know that no stone has been left unturned, and it’s a measurably better book than when it first went out on submission.”

    Laura Zera, Contributor: New York Times, Seattle Times, Dame, et al; 2019

  • “I can’t recommend Alex more highly for the developmental editing she did for me for my in-progress memoir. Not only were her comments insightful and extremely useful, but her upbeat tone made the constructive criticism feel great, not painful. Plus, she’s hysterical and I laughed out loud a few times.”

    CB, Author; 2019

Going Three Layers Deep

"I got to sit in on [a workshop] that blew my mind. We did the 'Mathematics of Joy' list beforehand. Then, we talked about how to bring those and other moments into our lives. She has a specific way of mapping it out that was really fun. I started to see things I was drawn to, and why. Most of my answers were about creating connection and space daily, while building in pockets of joy-filled experiences, going on adventures and finding new ways outside of writing to becreative. Like, paint more, even if it's my front door. "

~ Alex Charnin, Writer, Editor and Storytelling Guide (Workshop participant)

“Alex is master facilitator. The topic is fantastic. She gave such a broad view and gave us the tools to dig further on our own. She went horizontal to allow us to go vertical. Genius!”

~ Anonymous Student, Write Like a Honey Badger

“After our session last week, I walked around … in amazement that what we were doing was not only getting to the third layer of creativity, but a deeper level of healing. Creativity is vulnerable, freeing, scary, playful. [I get now] why there are steps in the ladder, because I need to go through each phase.”

~ KW, Professor

“Thanks, Alex! I have been a teacher of creative thinking for over 40 years … and this approach of yours is one of the most refreshing approaches.”

~ BH, Creativity Facilitator

Full Testimonials

  • "Thank you so much for your session [at the Applied Improvisation Network conference]! I feel like a weight is gone (one that I put there myself). It taught me a lot, most importantly, how to think differently about myself. The pressure to be perfect runs deep within me, and your session helped me break down that feeling. I think it changed my mind for good."

    Anna Alexander, AIN (Applied Improvisation Network) Administrator

  • "Using Alex's process, I had so many breakthroughs and -- even better—practical tools I've used ever since to help me break through my writing logjams. In just three sessions, she helped me build resilience to criticism and reframe the way I think about myself as a creative person. Alex helped me understand that it's normal to struggle with writing, then used her creativity and experience to show me that I already had the tools I needed to get through it. There was one exercise where I had to physically remove an inner critic from my body – and pulling an imaginary 'tapeworm' out of my solar plexus really reduced my anxiety. Plus she was super fun to hang out with. I don't want to give too much of her process away, because you have to experience it -- layer by layer -- yourself."

    Karen Strong, Conservationist and Consultant; Strong Outcomes www.strongoutcomes.com

  • Meeting Alex at the Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity 2022 conference was bliss! Her “Creativity Ladder” exercise helped me accept my own unique climb on the ladder to creative insights, eliminating the self-destructive urge for perfectionism. Thanks to the ‘Mathematics of Joy’ exercise, I sparked a flame of hope in a group of ethnic minority students in Bulgaria, who left the workshop enthused to find joy in the smallest things, and be a reason for change and growth. Thank you, Alex!

    Gyulten Hyusein, Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Psychology, Language and Cognition Lab; Koç University, Türkiye

  • Thank youuuu! The workshop was fun and helped me a lot with the inner critic and the understanding that a lot of joy is in allowing me feel my body. It is wonderful to ‘work’ with this theme of creativity, which is what makes us unique and with infinite possibilities.

    Anonymous, The Gifts of Creativity workshop, Mexico City, Mexico

  • The workshop was fabulous! Like, truly amazing! I know nothing’s perfect but I can’t think of how this workshop could get any better! Maybe more of it?

    Anonymous Student at Write Like a Honey Badger

  • I have always appreciated the coaching I got from you since it really helped me get on my feet when I was going through a rough time.

    TH, Community Organizer

  • Alex guided me through a simple yet profound exercise. It was basically an exercise to uncover my deepest truths about my life passions. Although simple to administer, it seems to be based in mathematics, neuroscience, and more, creating greater clarity and self-awareness with the goal of helping to realize my true passions. A profound experience in an easy and practical exercise – that’s genius!

    Bill Prinzivalli, MBA, CEO, Prinzivalli Consulting

  • I loved Alex’s approach to creativity - her techniques, exercises and advice. Her framework helped me pinpoint exactly where I was blocked, why I was blocked, and what steps I could take to move forward with ease.

    BV, Writer

  • Alex is an outrageous and brilliant coach and consultant, and she made my work a lot of fun, too. She’s quick and to the point and called me out when necessary. Her coaching was invaluable to me in my business. I thought I knew what to do and she intuitively asked the right questions and found my weak points and helped me strengthen them. I always hated homework and I looked forward to hers, that’s how good she is. Since everything is psychologically intertwined, I needed a shaman thrown in there too, and Alex came through! I give her the highest recommendation and I am really picky.

    LS, Perfumer