The creativity test that grows creativity
You can take the following test as many times as you want. No one ever need know your score. So, before overthinking it (or reading further), take this test.
Fascinating, right?
Here’s the thing: I teach creativity, but I don’t think creativity can be tested. Even the creators say this only tests for a certain sliver of creativity — a blend of creative verbal and divergent thinking. Creativity is individualized and fickle as hell, it waxes and wanes even within each person and at different times of the day, and there’s no single type of Creativity with a capital C.
But what can be tested is when divergent or creative thinking is at its highest in each individual. What I know now after taking this test a dozen times: mornings and exercise good, mid-afternoon and sugar bad. Sleep, A+. I’ve taken the test when exhausted and when I know what I’m supposed to do to raise my scores, I can’t break my well-rested numbers. And fancy words don’t necessarily mean more divergent thinking.
Creativity isn’t a race we run against each other. It’s on a spectrum we create for ourselves. Do you feel more or less creative than you did a year ago? Ten years ago? Why? Do you want to be one more layer creative than you are now? Fabulous. What’s the first step to making that happen?
So take this test to flex your divergent thinking muscle. And then take it again and again and again. When are you the most creative? Find that out, and that’s your win.