Information to help you book an engagement with The Third Layer.
The Third Layer model is all about learning our personal rules that help our creativity best operate, so in that vein, here is what can help me create the absolute best experience for your organization or audience.
Diversity is the keystone of creativity*
Parameters for Booking …
Discount Code
Once the deposit has been cleared, all participants receive a 20% discount code for individual coaching, from that day until one calendar month after engagement.
Example: Client engagement is May 1, 2026. Client signs Services Agreement Feb 1, 2026 and deposit clears on Feb 15, 2026. Discount code is created (i.e., ACME20).
Participants can use ACME20 code from Feb 15, 2026 until June 1, 2026. Valid for any Individual Session ($495) or seven-session Creativity Intensive Semester ($2475).
Note: Creativity Intensive clients pay for 5 sessions and get the sixth and seventh for free. Bonus: The seventh session can be a single session OR a group session of up to 12 people.
Double Bonus: Get your company to pay for your Creativity Intensive, and use the seventh session for work!
The Third Layer accepts four types of payment:
ACH direct bank deposit through Stripe (preferred)
Credit card through Stripe
Check (address given upon request)
Paypal or Venmo (emails given upon request)
Deposit is 50% and NET 14. Final payment due NET 14 after engagement.
Note: Payments follow the 30/45/60 advance notice payment structure, unless otherwise agreed.
Advance Notice
The Third Layer requires 30/45/60 days of advance notice, including:
Online: 30 days advance notice
North America: 45 days advance notice (US, Mexico, Canada)
International: 60 days advance notice
Engagements require a great deal of preparation and logistics. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be available in less than this timeframe.
Note: If I am available in less than this timeframe, a rush fee will be charged.
* True story: I invented the Third Layer to help me grow my own creative resilience. Even with some physical challenges, I never, ever want to give up this work. I understand that meeting my needs might not work for your organization, but in a way, I
Third Layer lesson: When we make space for diverse voices, we create opportunities for ourselves, to express our own creative needs.