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Calming the Nervous System through Creativity
… meditation and breathing are like staring the parasympathetic nervous system straight in the eyes and daring it: ‘Calm, dammit! Right now! Now now now!’ While creativity is more like dropping a hankie in its general direction coquettishly: ‘I’m just gonna be doodling or playing air guitar over here, if you don’t mind and … Sure, I’d love to go on a date together!’
Creative frustation (and why it’s a good thing)
Creative frustration (or fear, envy, boredom, et al) is a treasure trove of information.
Creative avoidance
Creative freezing requires awareness, kindness and gentle acknowledgement. Creative avoidance requires a swift kick in the pants. How do you know which one you’re doing?
Creative freezing (aka writer’s block, creativity black hole, etc)
Think of your stagnating creativity as the frozen pizza inside your brain’s freezer. And then the hot oven is your own self-awareness.
Ode to anger
… anger is further north of the more passive negative emotions for lots of us — sadness, hopelessness, despair, depression. If we’re angry, our brains are active.
Interoception’s influence on creativity, Pt II
Perhaps our internal self-awareness is more important to creativity than we realized.
Interoception’s influence on creativity, Pt I
Want to work on your creativity? Listen to your body through interoception.
Want to be creative? Lay down.
When I want to write, think or be creative, I know I have to do one thing: lay down. And it’s proven: laying down on your side boosts internal awareness and perception.