Essay Coaching

Welcome to the Creativity Intensive: Focused tending for you and your creative process. Get unstuck, overcome barriers and finish (or start) a project.

You’ve got two choices:

a) Individual appointments


b) One personalized “semester” for your creativity.

The Creativity Intensive semester includes:

  • Six hour-long appointments over 3 months (~every two weeks for 12 weeks)

  • Email checkins during the non-appt weeks for the same 12 weeks

  • Personalized exercises after each appt

  • An online Creativity Guidebook with notes, exercises and insights

  • BONUS! One additional free session or workshop (a $1500 value!) up to one month later.

  • You know that hidden creativity corner of your brain, where you spent so much time as a child? That feeling of free flow, where time would stop? Yeah, let's tap into that.

  • There's a big wooden cabinet blocking the door to your creative brain. Maybe it's tangible - time constraints, family obligations, work - or maybe it's intangible - vicious inner critic, naysayers, or not knowing where to start. Let's break that cabinet and get the door OPEN.

  • Sure, we could wade thigh-deep into your creative soul. Or we could dive in and get that shit done (or started).

Some kind words

After my agent sent my memoir manuscript out on submission, and we received lots of compliments but no offers, I had this nagging feeling that there was still something to be done with the book. Enter Alex and her magical brain (work with her for more than 10 minutes and you’ll know what I mean). Alex was able to articulate my nagging feeling with insightful feedback that instantly resonated, and gave me hilarious and constructive point-by-point direction on how to tackle a revision. I know that no stone has been left unturned, and it’s a measurably better book than when it first went out on submission.
— Laura Zera, Contributor: New York Times, Seattle TImes, Dame, et al: 2019
I can’t recommend Alex more highly for the developmental editing she did for me for my in-progress memoir. Not only were her comments insightful and extremely useful, but her upbeat tone made the constructive criticism feel great, not painful. Plus, she’s hysterical and I laughed out loud a few times.
— CB, Author; 2019
I had become so overwhelmed with doubt about the success of my new website, I had not only not written anything new for it, but couldn’t even bring myself to post stories I’d already written. But then … Alex made me realize the only thing standing in my way is me. So, today I write. Alex is a funny/smart/talented writer and facilitator/teacher and I can’t recommend her enough if you’re struggling at all. (Or even if you’re not.)
— ST, Journalist; 2020